Admission to Dover Castle

A ticket to see one of England's oldest and largest castles

Rodyti visas nuotraukas (5)

With this ticket, you'll get the opportunity to experience Dover Castle, a medieval fortress that was founded during the 11th century. During your visit, you'll be able to learn more about the monument's long history as a defensive stronghold as you visit its underground wartime tunnels. You'll also have a chance to take in sweeping views of the English Channel from the castle grounds.

Patogumai neįgaliesiems

  • Wheelchair accessible

Papildoma informacija

Nepamirškite atsinešti bilieto.

Turėkite omenyje, kad teikėjai gali atšaukti veiklą dėl nenumatytų priežasčių.

Užsakyti gali asmenys nuo 18 m. amžiaus. Jaunesnius asmenis turi lydėti suaugusysis.

Paslaugą teikia Klook


Admission to Dover Castle
Castle Hill Rd., Dover , London, CT16 1HU

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